Rigo Taxi provides you several features to avail the benefits. Free wifi service to connect you even in the unstable network. Enjoy a Tension-free ride by using an electronic payment method to pay the taxi fare through digitally without any hassle. We also provide you membership program to enjoy the ride at a nominal charge with zero wait timing. Our features also include a safer car feature by live tracking and emergency services. It has also include Multiple stoppage options to stop the car just by entering drop location. Our service is reasonable and affordable from others
Stay connected while traveling, Rigo's in-cab free wi-fi facilitates you to always stay connected even in the traveling
Go cashless, Pay digitally, No cash? No Worries? Enjoy a cashless and hassle-free ride with Rigo by paying Digitally!
Premium Membership Program, A membership program with Rigo that facilitates ride of a Prime Sedan at Mini fares, book cabs at a lower charge than normal fare and has zero wait time.
Multiple safety features for your security, Live ride tracking, emergency alert button, and emergency calls are some of the features the Rigo has in place to keep you safe and secure.
Cab for every pocket-from medium to upper class, Rigo provides cab from Sedans and SUVs to Luxury Car for an auspicious occasion on affordable prices for medium-class to the upper class.
Choose the multiple stops location, Rigo provides the best road trip at the multiple location stop by using the mobile app you can add multiple stops in your destination journey at any time in traveling.
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